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Pro Grip

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Product Description

A Good Grip is a Must in Competition. Keep Your Hands Dry, Not Sticky. You've spent lots of money. You practiced for weeks to get ready. You get to the match and it's humid and muggy. You want to do well, so you are a bit nervous; it is normal that your hands are sweaty. It happens to the big guys too. But they use Pro Grip to hold the pistol better. It seems to make people relax when they know their hands won't slip around on the grip. Your hands stay dry, not sticky. Washes off with soap and water.

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  1. When you really need to grip something, this is the stuff 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 21st Dec 2017

    Keeps your hands dry and grippy. If you already use grip tape or stippling, this will make it even grippier. It's a godsend in the summer months when it seems impossible to get the sweat off your hands even for a few seconds.
